What is PR?

Oftentimes, when our clients think about PR they have a very clear idea of the features in glossy magazines that they would like to earn. But while features in top-tier outlets get the most PR visibility, PR efforts go far beyond securing press. The Clover method steers away from classic media-only PR: we keep strategic communications at our core to help our clients get in front of the right audiences, build and nurture relationships, and cultivate through all efforts a strong and positive brand reputation.

Strategic communications aren’t one-size-fits-all. The nature of a business and its goals will help determine which channels are best for reaching success. Depending on your business, this can require:

Media relations

You might know this as classic PR. Media relations refers to writing stories to share with the media community, keeping them informed of news, and providing them with story ideas to build relationships and long-term partnerships that will result in coverage.

Community relations

No matter where your business is based, it has a community around it that deserves as much attention as the media does. Businesses that make the effort to do goodwill in their community will then garner goodwill—and improve overall satisfaction!

Crisis communication

Sometimes, things go wrong. Having a strong crisis communications plan in place that is ready to proactively act against any negative events that might impact a brand’s reputation is one of the strongest and most necessary parts of PR.

Influencer marketing

Love them or hate them, influencers have taken over the marketing world. Collaborating with influencers whose values align with your brand and its audience will help you create brand awareness, define your reputation, and earn consumers’ trust.

Affiliate marketing

Oftentimes tied to traditional PR, affiliate marketing is the act of offering a commission to media platforms that mention and review your products, and therefore generate sales for your business.

Events and brand activations

Events are a very strong part of PR. They are the best way to create a tangible experience for the public to associate with your brand—whether that be in person or through VR.

Are you overwhelmed by your options? That’s why we’re here! Get in touch with us and we’ll help you determine your best strategy.


La importancia de invertir en comunicación profesional para empresas de todos los tamaños


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